RFQs/RFPs/Public Notices



Construction Manager At-Risk (CMR)

Responses to this CMR-RFQ will be received by the Authority until 4:00 pm (ET) on or before August 11, 2020


Request for Proposals (RFP) for Communications & Marketing Services

RFP Submission Deadline: 4:00 PM EDT, Friday, September 27, 2024


Request for Proposals (RFP) for Legal Services

RFP Submission Deadline: 4:00 PM, Friday, November 17, 2023


CPA Audit Services 2020

The Authority is soliciting the services of qualified firms of certified public accountants to audit its financial statements for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2020, June 30, 2021, and June 30, 2022. Submissions are due by 4:00pm on Wednesday, September 30, 2020.

New London State Pier Facility

  1. CPA RFQ Notice – 2020
  2. CPA-RFQ Construction Administration Services
  3. Exhibit 1 Resumes
  4. Exhibit 2 Representative Projects
  5. Exhibit 3 Probity
  6. Exhibit 4 Performance
  7. Exhibit 5 CT 330 Pt II
  8. Site Walk
  9. Site Walk Handout
  10. RFQ_CA-Addendum. No.1
  11. Addendum No 1-PDWS
  12. Addendum No 1-Basis of Design
  13. BI-2B-462-CA Response List

Legal Counsel for the Connecticut Port Authority

  1. Connecticut Port Authority Legal Counsel Request for Proposals
  2. CPA Forms 2019
  3. Legal RFP Response to Questions

Task 120 Phase 1 Site Assessment – New Haven

For Consulting Engineering Services

RFP Number CPA0092-1805

Submission Deadline: Wednesday, November 7, 2018 at 4:00 P.M. (ET)

  1. RFP No. CPA0092-1805
  2. Required Forms
  3. Property Location Map
  4. RFP Task 120 Phase 1 Amendment

Communications & Marketing Services

Submission Deadline: Friday, October 26, 2018 at 4:00 P.M. (ET)
  1. RFP No. CPA0000-1804
  2. Forms
  3. Q&A
  4. Cancellation Notice

Pier No. 7 Fort Trumbull State Park – New London

  1. CPA – RFP Consulting Services Pier 7 Fort Trumbull
  2. RFP Mandatory Forms
  3. US Coast Guard Childs Evaluation Report
  4. CPA-HDR Review Memo
  5. Fort Trumbull Site Map

State Pier Central Wharf Platform Demolition and Disposal

  1. Central Wharf Demo Bid Results

Connecticut Apprentice Marine Pilot Training and Certification Program

Solicitation of Applicants

As authorized by the Connecticut General Statute Section 15-13 and detailed in Sections 15-15a-6 and 15-15a-7 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies (adopted as Written Procedures of the Connecticut Port Authority pursuant to Connecticut General Statute Section 15-15a), the Connecticut Port Authority (CPA) is soliciting applications from qualified mariners interested in applying for the Connecticut Apprentice Marine Pilot Training and Certification Program.

Please provide the following information in writing to Eric Dussault, Connecticut Port Authority, 455 Boston Post Road, Suite 204, Old Saybrook, CT. 06475 or via email at  eric@ctportauthority.com on or before November 1st, 2024.

  1. Full Name and contact information including email address
  2. Social Security number
  3. Date of birth
  4. Education History (names of school and years graduated)
  5. Dated copy of most recent physical examination (see Connecticut Regulations Sec. 15-15a-10)
  6. Copy USCG Merchant Mariner Credential including all pages and endorsements.
  7. Copy of Training Certificates held.
  8. Copy of Transportation Workers Identification Card (TWIC).
  9. Documented pilotage experience in the waters of Long Island Sound, the boundary waters of the States of Connecticut and New York, and all ports and terminals thereon including the docking experience (dates and trip routes, names and size of vessels, name and location of port facility).
  10. Additional documented pilotage experiences (outside of the waters described above).

Failure to submit all documents required may disqualify the applicant from consideration. Applicants will be required to take a written examination on a date, time and place to be determined. Applications will be reviewed, evaluated, scored and ranked based on criteria established by the Connecticut Pilot Commission, including the written examination.  Applicants with a preliminary score as outlined in Connecticut Regulations Sec. 15-15a-7 will be offered the opportunity to interview.

To access a PDF of the Solicitation of Applicants, click here.

CT Port Authority issues request for applications (RFA) for Round 4 (2024) of Small Harbor Improvement Projects Program (SHIPP)

The Connecticut Port Authority (CPA) continues to fulfill one of its primary objectives of assisting the various municipalities across the State of Connecticut in improving small ports, harbors and marinas. The Small Harbor Improvement Projects Program (SHIPP) was conceptualized in 2017 with the aim of strengthening the economic viability of harbors and marinas along the Connecticut coastline. Since its inception, the three (3) tranches of the SHIPP grant have resulted in excess of $12 million dollars which has been awarded to 33 projects spanning 16 municipalities in the state of Connecticut. Needless to say, there are boundless benefits to be gained from the economic development of our state’s harbors.

The CPA is pleased to announce the launch of SHIPP Round 4 as of March 1, 2024 and is appealing to all cities and towns of Connecticut that are interested in improving the economic viability of their harbors and waterways to review and respond to the Request for Applications (RFA).

Deadline for Application Submittal: July 1, 2024 (4:00 PM ET)

Visit www.ctportauthority.com/shipp/ for application and more information.

Municipal Leaders Urged to Apply for CT Port Authority Small Harbor Improvement Projects Program Grants

Notice of Intent to Adopt an Electronics Use Policy


Tuesday, December 12, 2023, 5:00 P.M.

Location: VIRTUAL

Zoom link was provided

Passcode:  057102

One tap mobile:   +13017158592,,94418239110#,,,,*057102#

Pursuant to Section 15-31a(n) of the General Statutes of Connecticut, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the general public that the BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CONNECTICUT PORT AUTHORITY will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on DECEMBER 12, 2023, commencing at 5:00 P.M., to be held remotely via videoconference, accessible using the link or dial-in information above, for the purpose of evaluating the adequacy of the State’s maritime policies, facilities and support for maritime commerce and industry.

Notice of Intent to Amend Rates of Pilotage Procedures

As published in the Connecticut Law Journal Volume LXXXIV No. 19 on November 8, 2022.

Manner of presenting views:
All interested persons are invited to present their views in writing no later than December 8, 2022. Comments are to be submitted to the Connecticut Port Authority, Joseph Salvatore either by e-mail to Joseph.Salvatore@ct.gov (please put “Public Comment re: Pilotage Procedures” in the subject line) or by postal mail addressed to him at:

Connecticut Port Authority
ATTN: Joseph Salvatore
455 Boston Post Road, Suite 204
Old Saybrook, CT, 06475

CT Port Authority issues request for applications (RFA) for third round of Small Harbor Improvement Projects Program (SHIPP)

On April 19th 2022 the Connecticut Port Authority (CPA) issued a Request for Applications (RFA) for project funding under the Small Harbor Improvement Projects Program (SHIPP), a competitive grant program managed by the CPA. Under SHIPP, Connecticut municipalities in or adjacent to waters of the state, may apply for matching funds to conduct a project that improves the infrastructure or management of their local waterway.

The actual selection of grant recipients will take place in late-July after the CPA Projects Committee rates and selects the applications based on developed criteria and presents them to the CPA Board of Directors for final approval.

A SHIPP Grant may be used on a wide range of improvements including: marina repair, dredging, boat ramp facilities improvement, breakwaters, harbor management plans and feasibility studies.

The application submission deadline is 4pm ET on Friday, July 1, 2022.

Visit www.ctportauthority.com/shipp/ for application instructions and more information.

Notice of Intent to adopt Procurement Manual developed in coordination with the State contracting Standards Board

As published in the Connecticut Law Journal Volume LXXXIII No. 40 on April 5, 2022.

Manner of presenting views: All interested persons are invited to present their views in writing no later than May 5, 2022. Comments are to be submitted to the Connecticut Port Authority, Andrew Lavigne either by e-mail to alavigne@ctportauthority.com (please put “Public Comment re: Procurement Manual” in the subject line) or by postal mail addressed to him at:

Connecticut Port Authority
ATTN: Andrew Lavigne
455 Boston Post Road, Suite 204
Old Saybrook, CT, 06475


DATE:           TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2021

TIME:            5:30 P.M.

Location: In response to concerns regarding the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), and in the interest of the safety and well-being of participants, this meeting will be held remotely by conference call (as permitted by Executive Order 7B).

Public Dial-In Information:
Number: 515-604-9312
PIN: 303243#

Pursuant to Section 15-31a(n) of the General Statutes of Connecticut, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the general public that the BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CONNECTICUT PORT AUTHORITY will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on DECEMBER 15, 2020, commencing at 5:30 P.M., to be held remotely via teleconference (as permitted by Executive Order 7B), accessible using the dial-in information above, for the purpose of evaluating the adequacy of the State’s maritime policies, facilities and support for maritime commerce and industry.



The New Haven Port Authority (NHPA) is accepting resumes for the part-time position of Executive Director (Director).  The Director reports directly to the NHPA Commission (the Commission). The NHPA is an independent quasi-public agency created by City Ordinance and working under state-enabling legislation.  Although the NHPA is a separate entity from the City of New Haven and State of Connecticut, the three entities often work collaboratively on economic development, security, environmental and transportation projects. The Port district consists of 366 acres located on the East Side of New Haven Harbor, 12 acres of which is owned by the NHPA.


Notice of Intent to Adopt Awarding of Grants, Subsidies and Other Financial Assistance Policies & Procedures

As published in the Connecticut Law Journal Volume LXXXII No. 51 on June 22, 2021

Manner of presenting views: All interested persons are invited to present their views in writing no later than July 23, 2021. Comments are to be submitted to the Connecticut Port Authority, Andrew Lavigne either by e-mail to alavigne@ctportauthority.com (please put “Public Comment re: Grant Policy” in the subject line) or by postal mail addressed to him at:

Connecticut Port Authority
ATTN: Andrew Lavigne
455 Boston Post Road, Suite 204
Old Saybrook, CT, 06475

Connecticut Apprentice Marine Pilot Training and Certification Program
Solicitation of Applicants

As authorized by the Connecticut General Statute Section 15-13 and detailed in Sections 15-15a-6 and 15-15a-7 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies (adopted as Written Procedures of the Connecticut Port Authority pursuant to Connecticut General Statute Section 15-15a), the Executive Director of the Connecticut Port Authority is soliciting applications from qualified mariners interested in applying for the Connecticut Apprentice Marine Pilot Training and Certification Program.

Please provide the following information in writing to Mr. Joseph Salvatore, Connecticut Port Authority, 455 Boston Post Road, Suite 204, Old Saybrook, CT. 06475 or via email at joseph.salvatore@ct.gov by Wednesday June 16, 2021.

  1. Name and contact information
  2. Social Security number
  3. Date of birth
  4. Education History (names of school and years graduated)
  5. Dated copy of most recent physical examination (see Connecticut Regulations Sec. 15-15a-10)
  6. Copy of Federal License (grade and date)
  7. Copy of Endorsement to Federal License.
  8. Copy of Training Certificates held.
  9. Copy of Transportation Workers Identification Card (TWIC).
  10. Documented pilotage experience in the waters of Long Island Sound, the boundary waters of the States of Connecticut and New York, and all ports and terminals thereon including the docking experience (dates and trip routes, names and size of vessels, name and location of port facility).
  11. Additional documented pilotage experiences (outside of the waters described above).

Failure to submit all documents required may disqualify the applicant from consideration. Applicants will be required to take a written examination on a date, time and place to be determined. Applications will be reviewed, scored and ranked based on criteria established by the Connecticut Pilot Commission, including the written examination. Leading applicants will be interviewed at a date and time to be determined.

John H. Henshaw III
Executive Director
Connecticut Port Authority

Notice of Intent to Adopt Revisions to Small Harbor Improvement Projects Program (SHIPP) Policies and Procedures

Manner of presenting views: All interested persons are invited to present their views in writing no later than June 4, 2021. Comments are to be submitted to the Connecticut Port Authority, Andrew Lavigne either by e-mail to alavigne@ctportauthority.com (please put “Public Comment re: SHIPP Policy” in the subject line) or by postal mail addressed to him at:
Connecticut Port Authority
ATTN: Andrew Lavigne
455 Boston Post Road, Suite 204
Old Saybrook, CT, 06475

Notice of Tentative Determination to Approve Structures, Dredging & Fill and Tidal Wetlands & Water Quality Certificate And Notice of Hearing

DEC. 16, 2020

NEW LONDON, Conn. — The Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (“DEEP”) hereby gives notice that a tentative determination has been reached to approve the following application submitted under Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act, as amended, for a Water Quality Certificate and Sections 22a-32 and 22a-361 of the Connecticut General Statutes (“CGS”) for a permit to conduct work waterward of the coastal jurisdiction line in tidal, coastal or navigable waters of the state and in tidal wetlands.  Interested persons may submit written comments no later than forty (40) days from the publication date of this notice. The applicant has requested a hearing pursuant to CGS Sections 22a-32 and 22a-361(b)(A). To date, no other hearing requests have been received, including any petition by twenty-five or more people under applicable statutes.  To begin the hearing process, a status conference to review the issues for adjudication and to set the hearing schedule will be held on January 26, 2021 at 1:30 p.m.  To register for the Zoom conference, go to https://ctdeep.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_4ppqgc7eQBmudZfG9dR2Tg. (It may be necessary to copy this link into a browser to open.) Persons must register with full names; identifications using initials, phone numbers or other abbreviations will not be admitted to the conference.

The public notice is available for review on DEEP’s website here. The public notice has also been posted in The Day


DATE:           TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2020

TIME:            5:30 P.M.

In response to concerns regarding the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), and in the interest of the safety and well-being of participants, this meeting will be held remotely by conference call (as permitted by Executive Order 7B).

Public Dial-In Information:
Number: 515-604-9312
PIN: 303243#

Pursuant to Section 15-31a(n) of the General Statutes of Connecticut, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the general public that the BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CONNECTICUT PORT AUTHORITY will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on DECEMBER 15, 2020, commencing at 5:30 P.M., to be held remotely via teleconference (as permitted by Executive Order 7B), accessible using the dial-in information above, for the purpose of evaluating the adequacy of the State’s maritime policies, facilities and support for maritime commerce and industry.

Notice of Intent to Adopt an Updated Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy

Manner of presenting views: All interested persons are invited to present their views in writing no later than December 3, 2020. Comments are to be submitted to the Connecticut Port Authority, Andrew Lavigne either by e-mail to alavigne@ctportauthority.com (please put “Public Comment re: EEO/AA” in the subject line) or by postal mail addressed to him at:
Connecticut Port Authority
ATTN: Andrew Lavigne
455 Boston Post Road, Suite 204
Old Saybrook, CT, 06475

Connecticut Port Authority seeks permit for Thames River work at the New London State Pier
Published Aug. 4, 2020

CONCORD, Mass. — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District received a permit application from the Connecticut Port Authority for proposed work in the Thames River at State Pier, New London, Connecticut. The proposed project would serve as a long-term, regional wind turbine generator port facility while continuing to support other existing long term break bulk cargo operations.

The proposed two phase State Pier infrastructure improvement project includes demolition activities, fill between the two existing piers, onshore site work and in-water activities in the Thames River. The Corps is soliciting comments from members of the public, federal, state, local agencies; Indian Tribes and other interested parties to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity.

The public notice with more detailed information, is available for review on the Corps website at: https://www.nae.usace.army.mil/Portals/74/docs/regulatory/PublicNotices/2020/NAE-2018-02161-CT-Port-Authority-State-Pier-PN-final.pdf

Public comments on this proposed work by the Connecticut Port Authority should be forwarded no later than Sept. 3, 2020 to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, 696 Virginia Road, Attn: Diane Ray, Regulatory Division, Concord, MA 01742 or by email to diane.m.ray@usace.army.mil. Please reference file # NAE-2018-02161.

Notice of Intent to Amend Operating Procedures

Manner of presenting views: All interested persons are invited to present their views in writing no later than April 2, 2020. Comments are to be submitted to the Connecticut Port Authority, Andrew Lavigne either by e-mail to alavigne@ctportauthority.com (please put “Public Comment” in the subject line) or by postal mail addressed to him at: Connecticut Port Authority, 455 Boston Post Road, Suite 204, Old Saybrook, CT, 06475.

  1. Notice of Intent CLJ CPA
  2. Proposed Revisions to CPA’s Operating Procedures

Connecticut Port Authority is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer that is committed to complying with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.  Please contact CPA by phone 860-577-5174 or email info@ctportauthority.com if you have a disability and need a communication aid or service; have limited proficiency in English and may need information in another language; or if you wish to file an ADA or Title VI discrimination complaint.

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