
Cover of CT Port Authority Impacts of the Connecticut Maritime IndustryImpacts of the Connecticut  Maritime Industry

For over three centuries, Connecticut’s maritime industry has been an essential driver of the state’s economy. To quantify the industry’s impact, the Connecticut Port Authority (CPA) commissioned an economic impact analysis from the Connecticut Economic Resource Center Inc (CERC).

The study provides a snapshot in time of the economic impact the maritime industry has across the state, providing a data-driven baseline from which we can measure future economic growth and job creation.



Cover image of the CT Port Authority Maritime Strategy2018 Connecticut Maritime Strategy

With three deepwater ports, a multitude of small harbors, rail lines, and interstate highways criss-crossing the state, Connecticut has an abundance of natural marine assets and intermodal trans-portation options. Additionally, Connecticut is situated within reach of multiple major domestic markets and millions of consumers. Connecticut has an opportunity to leverage these attributes into a thriving network of intermodal transportation that offers companies from around the world customizable transportation solutions and encourages greater use of the state’s unique marine features for both commercial and recreational purposes.


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